Yoga is much more than a physical exercise practice. Traditionally it is a philosophy for life. The focus of this retreat is to explore the classical roots of Yoga by delving more deeply into what is known as “the 8 Limbs of Yoga” (Yamas/External Disciplines, Niyamas/Internal Disciplines, Asana/Posture,Pranayama/Breath Control, Pratyahara/ Withdrawal of Senses, Dharana/Concentration, Dhyana/Meditation, Samadhi/Union) through the lens of a contemporary Western lifestyle.
You will leave this immersion with a richer awareness of what ‘living your yoga’ looks like and feels like to you as a unique individual, and with tools to practically apply to everyday living. In addition to theoretical learnings, we will discover insights within the practice of the asanas/poses. This form of self-study supports a more intimate awareness of your own physical body in postural expression, increasing your autonomous ability to support your individual needs & limitations on and off of the mat.