Sep 13 2024 - Sep 15 2024

Money, Money, Money: Transform Your Financial Energy

Are you ready to make money, your best friend?

If you’re seeking to
⚡ understand your relationship patterns with money,
⚡ discover your subconscious beliefs about wealth,
⚡ and unlock the true meaning of abundance and prosperity,
This retreat is for YOU.

Candace will share her experiences and insights, helping you uncover your own subconscious blocks to abundance and worthiness.

Discover the art of cultivating an abundance mindset and embrace the belief that YOU DESERVE TO FLOURISH.

Don't miss this chance to make money your ally and transform your relationship with wealth!

This weekend, we’ll explore what this means for each of you personally and specifically.  The kriyas and meditation have been specifically chosen to boost your radiance to attract prosperity.


What you will discover:
– Define what wealth means for you specifically.
– Explore your subconscious beliefs about money.
– Discover your blocks to wealth.
– Be empowered by guided journaling to support you towards your definition of wealth.
– Practice a powerful, effective meditation for money for 11 minutes each day – Yogi Bhajan said this meditation is so powerful that doing it for more than 11 minutes is greed!
– Become part of a community working towards the same goal that will support your steps towards creating wealth in your life.


Friday, September 13
3-5 pm
Arrive and settle into your cabin
5:00 pm
Meet and Greet in the Studio. Introduction to the retreat and receive your workbook.
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Kriya (physical yoga set) and Meditation to Manifest Money
Saturday, September 14
8:00 am
9:00 am
Kriya (physical yoga set)
10:45 am
Unlock your subconscious money beliefs. Guided journaling.
11:15 am
Kriya to invoke prosperity
12:30 pm
Lunch and free time to relax and enjoy the peace & quiet, hike the forest or have a nap.
2:00 pm
Reflection and guided journaling to transform money mindset.
3:15 pm
Kriya (physical yoga set) and Meditation to manifest money.
5:30 pm
Group sharing from the journal questions. Q&A.
6:30 pm
Sunday, September 15
8:00 am
Breakfast and free time to pack up your cabin
9:30 am
Kriya (Physical Yoga Set)
11:15 am
Meditation to manifest money/Journal what wealth means to me now.
12:00 pm
How to move forward and maintain your frequency
12:30 pm
Depart at your leisure and stay as long as you wish to enjoy the ambiance of Sugar Ridge

Meet Your Facilitator

Candace Castro

Candace's life story is a testament to resilience and transformation. Having spent much of her life in a quest for identity, she navigated through various societal roles, from being a single mom and entrepreneur facing personal and financial challenges to the glamour and glitz of being a tai tai. Despite achieving outward “success”, she was haunted by a sense of emptiness and a lack of purpose, continually seeking validation and love externally. Her journey was marked by relationship struggles, financial challenges, and the quest for self-worth. The discovery of Kundalini Yoga marked a pivotal change in Candace's life, guiding her towards happiness and fulfillment helping her realize her potential and embrace her authentic self. Now, as a seasoned practitioner and guide, Candace is passionate about sharing the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga with others. Her rich life experiences, coupled with the wisdom of Kundalini Yoga, make her uniquely qualified to lead you from a sense of pointlessness to a life filled with joy, purpose, and love.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Book Your Retreat

Friday September 13
Sunday September 15
Yoga Icon


This retreat includes all meals, classes, and the accommodation you choose.  Rates are per person.


$565 + HST  shared – up to 4 people share a cabin

$645 + HST semi-private accommodation – 2 people share a room

$825 + HST private accommodation – private room all to yourself

* some cabins have 2 rooms


For more information or assistance, contact us at 866-609-1793 or email [email protected]


Shared - Cabin will be shared with up to 3 other guests of the same gender. If you are booking for just yourself, depending on the retreat, we will match you with other guests of the same gender.

Semi-private - Cabin will be shared with the 1 other person you are registering with. If booking alone, we will try to match you with someone of the same gender.

Private - Cabin for one person, not sharing with others.

Book now

The Centre

Welcome to Sugar Ridge! It is our mission to provide a space for you to be nourished in body, mind and soul. From completely silent to dip your toe, testing mindfulness, we have what you’re looking for!

13th September: Money, Money, Money: Transform Your Financial Energy